* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In the same image I have captured for the Photos of the Readers of La Vanguardia, in Tarròs, in Urgell, the wake of an airplane, the fig tree and the crescent moon on its way to the full moon of this month of October, which will occur this coming Saturday.

These days the moon has been shown in its crescent phase, that is, after the new moon, when it is a good time to contemplate the characteristics of the surface of our natural satellite.

During this phase, the moon is close to the sun in the sky and mostly dark, except for the right edge which becomes brighter as the days approach the next phase.

At this moment the moon is very close to the full moon. And the full moon will show itself to us tomorrow, the 28th, shining in the sky.

In the image you can perfectly see how the moon is not seen with its entire surface illuminated, but rather it seems to have been nibbled on one side.