After the diplomatic storm suffered the day before, the Government wants calm to return and no more tension to be added to the worsening crisis in the Middle East. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, wanted to put things right this Tuesday after the exchange of harsh communications that he had the previous day with the Israeli ambassador in Madrid, Rodica Radian-Gordon. “For our part, this specific incident has been resolved,” said Albares, after the conversations held with the Israeli ambassador.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs explained, during the press conference held after the meeting of the Council of Ministers, that as soon as he learned yesterday of the statement issued by the Israeli embassy, ??in which he accused “certain elements of the Spanish government”, in reference to ministers from Unidas Podemos, little less than collusion with Hamas terrorism, he conveyed his “deep displeasure” to the Israeli ambassador. And she warned him that she considered her statement as an “unfriendly gesture” for Spain, which would translate into the also harsh statement that Foreign Affairs subsequently issued, accusing Israel of spreading “falsehoods” regarding the members of the Spanish Executive. .

The Government, however, considers this diplomatic clash over after this exchange of communications. And, at least in Albares’ opinion, Israel also considers this episode over. “After the conversation I had with the Israeli ambassador, the final conclusion was that we were going to work together so that the friendship between Spain and Israel remains as it has been until now,” highlighted the Foreign Minister.

Albares has also revealed that yesterday he also had a conversation with the second vice president of the Government, and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, “with total fluidity and normality.” The minister argued today that “in every government there are different opinions, and much more so in a coalition government.” But “each minister has our perimeter and manages certain policies,” he warned, in reference to the statements of the Minister of Social Rights and leader of Podemos, Ione Belarra, which were the ones that provoked the harsh statement from the Israeli embassy. , by demanding that Beniamin Netanyahu be brought before the International Criminal Court, accused of “genocide and war crimes.”

That is to say that, as leader of Podemos, Belarra can defend the political positions she considers, but that her executive functions as minister are limited to the portfolio of Social Rights and Agenda 2030. In the same way that Albares, as minister, does not express herself on the Government’s Industry or Tourism policy, even though they also have an opinion on the matter, according to their arguments.

“With regard to foreign policy, it is very evident that there are only two authorized voices: that of the President of the Government and that of the Minister of Foreign Affairs,” Albares highlighted. Only Pedro Sánchez, and Albares himself, mark Spain’s foreign policy.

Albares has assured, regarding his conversation with the Israeli ambassador, that “there is no need to clarify to any country in the world” that the only two voices authorized in the Government to mark Spain’s position in foreign policy are those of the president and his Foreign Minister. Because like this, he has stressed, it happens in all the countries of the world.