The Generalitat has proposed compensation of 90 euros per person for non-material damage caused to applicants for the selective tests of the stabilization opposition contest on April 29, which were postponed to July as a result of the incidents that occurred during the development of the tests. .
This was reported by the representatives of the Administration to the trade union organizations this morning in a follow-up meeting of the selective stabilization processes, reports the Department of the Presidency in a statement detailing that the Generalitat has officially initiated a file to declare the patrimonial responsibility of the Administration of the Generalitat and indemnify the applicants.
The total compensation is quantified at a maximum of 1,218,060 euros, taking into account that there were 13,534 people called to take the exams. This amount will be part of the compensation that the Generalitat will claim from the company Cegos for the damages and losses caused by the breach of the logistics and surveillance functions that were entrusted by contract.
The start of the patrimonial responsibility file will be communicated to the people affected and will be published tomorrow in the DOGC. A period of 10 business days will then be opened to present allegations. Once the allegations have been analyzed, the report of the Legal Advisory Commission will be necessary to definitively resolve the file. The file is expected to end after the summer, from which time payments can be made. All the information in this file will be made public in the stabilization process section of the Administration and Public Function website.
The Generalitat made the decision to annul the tests of the stabilization opposition contest and carry them out again, after verifying and proving serious irregularities during the exercises. The Generalitat attributes these irregularities to “errors and the lack of compliance with the tasks entrusted to the company Cegos”, hired to carry out the logistics and surveillance of the selection processes. The tests will be repeated in the next days 1 and 8 July.