* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In The Photos of the Readers of La Vanguardia we can appreciate the free gaze of the deer in the forest of Muntanyola, in the region of Osona.

In the area of ​​Muntanyola there are several mountains and sierras, such as the Puig de la Caseta, Puigcimós, Puig Espeltós or the Serrat de les Comunes, dels Dacs or de la Solana del Castell.

This species of the family Cervidae is the smallest in Eurasia and its area of ​​distribution extends from western Europe to northern China.

With a maximum height of about seventy-five centimeters and a weight between twenty and thirty kilograms, its diet consists of the consumption of leaves of shrubs and low trees, as well as berries and young shoots.

Unlike most cervids, the cabirol is a solitary species. It is an animal with a very high capacity for adaptation, which is why it can live both in closed forests and in wide meadows.