Given the lack of volunteers to participate in one of the processions in Madrid, the Madrid Fire Department sent a large group of professionals to carry the Christ of the Children from the Church of San Antonio, in Madrid.

It is a unique carving from the 17th century and the procession had a special touch because Ukrainian families participated and children from these families were dressed in tunics with the colors of their country’s flag, reports the Ser chain.

The Madrid firefighters announced their contribution to the religious Holy Week in the capital through a tweet, which they posted on April 7, in which they commented: “We have had the honor of removing the carving of Christ of the Children, a unique carving from the 17th century in the Church of San Antón”. For the record, they posted four photographs on Tweeter in which the troops were seen in front of the altar, in the procession, at the moment of raising the saint and on their way back to the church. Some of the professionals were on duty, but others were on duty, with which they charge a special economic bonus.

In any case, not only the Madrid firefighters have participated in religious acts this Holy Week. The troops from Malaga were also in one of the city’s processions with the Brotherhood of the Dove. They were even received by the Malaga emergency director and thanked them on social networks for the good reception of their participation in the procession.