The Lleida City Council has scheduled two hundred and fifty activities this long weekend in Lleida for Festa Major. The patron saint of the city, Sant Anastasi, is celebrated on Saturday and Sunday’s election day in Catalonia, in Lleida will end with fireworks.

The proclamation by the watercolorist Joaquim Ureña, opens this Thursday the party to which the illustrator Sònia Alins has given the image with a poster in which the Marraco appears, a fantastic animal that usually collects the pacifiers of boys and girls in the city, the giants, the cane dance, and the festive atmosphere of the big days.

The Camps Elisis, in the Cappont neighborhood, concentrate the four stages that will host the main performances, with Cala Vento, El Pony Pisador, The Gramophone all stars, Boikot or Burning.

On Saturday, after mass in the cathedral, the church of Sant Joan will host the offering to Sant Anastasi, of whom legend has it that he was a soldier of Diocletian’s Praetorian Guard born in Lleida and martyred in Badalona, ​​a city from which he also died. He is a pattern.

The Battle of Flowers, on Saturday afternoon, is one of the most popular events of the festival. Thousands of people wait on the Rambla de Ferran for the traditional parade of floats from entities, clubs and neighborhoods led by the Marraco, the giants and the big heads. After a first round of merriment and joy comes the second and with it a war of confetti and merriment.

To ensure that the party is a festive and safe space, the City Council has launched the ‘1000 Eyes’ campaign with a device of 170 Urban Guard troops, 4 PuntLilaRainbow and NitsQ teams and a free night bus.

This year the fiesta has an official song, ‘The best moment’, created and produced by Vicent Monfà and Miquel Allué, technicians of the “El Mercat” Musical Essay Bucs

from the Youth Department of the City Council and performed by the singer Lucía Fernández, winner of the casting of soloists called by LleidaJove.

Lucía Fernández is 18 years old and studies the Higher Level Training Cycle in Theater Acting Techniques at the Municipal Theater Classroom.

With ‘El millor moment’, Vicent Monfà and Miquel Allué want to convey experiences, memories and the happiness they felt as children when the party arrived. In the musical part, they have integrated elements of the local garrotín tradition with contemporary sounds such as electronic or pop.