The family of the two 12-year-old twins of Russian origin who died last Friday after falling out of a sixth-floor window in the building where they lived in Oviedo have expressed their “most sincere and resounding gratitude to society as a whole for the treatment received.

In a letter sent to the media by the family and friends of the two minors “in memory of Aleksandra and Anastasiia and for their eternal rest”, this gratitude is extended “to society as a whole and in all local, regional and state”.

They also point out that “given the unusual immediacy with which we lose focus on current affairs in these times” they urge everyone, and especially the administrations and institutions, “so that this tragic and mournful event does not fall into oblivion and that they can getting involved in helping this family, broken by immense pain, to overcome and bring forward the wonderful minor who still accompanies them in their search for a freer and better future in our land”.

The letter expressly mentions the State Security Corps and Forces, the Local Police, the Red Cross, the Justice, Public Health and Education administrations, and also the educational community of the public school La Ería in Oviedo, where the minors studied.

The family and friends also thank the media “for having reported, with very anecdotal exceptions, truthfully, due rigor and above all the greatest respect for the privacy of the figure of two exceptional minors and their exemplary family.” .

Likewise, “for their speed in the processing of each and every one of the necessary steps and their enormous and priceless generosity”, both to the Oviedo City Council and personally to the mayor, Alfredo Canteli, and the orthodox dean Andréy Kórdochkin, as well as “to all and each one of the members of the Sociedad Funerarias Reunidas”.

The two twins died when they fell out of a window of the building where they lived located at number 47 Facetos street in the Oviedo neighborhood of La Ería after they left home with the apparent intention of going to school.

Although the minors lived on the fourth floor, the window that was found open and from which they would have fallen into the void is located on the sixth and, from the outset, the National Police ruled out the participation of third parties and described what happened as “tragic event” without also considering the possibility of an accident.

The Government delegate in Asturias, Delia Losa, pointed out yesterday, Monday, that the National Police was finalizing the investigation with the idea of ​​transferring all the information to the court in a matter of hours, while the Prosecutor’s Office has not yet opened any type of of errands.

The family of Russian origin has been living in the Asturian capital for years and the girls had a 10-year-old brother who at the time of the event was in the same school where his sisters studied.

The management of the public school of La Ería, where the girls studied sixth grade, decided to keep for this Tuesday the start of the end-of-year trip to Madrid that was scheduled for the students of said course.

In addition, he addressed the families to request discretion and respect for the girls’ family, while the Association of Mothers and Fathers of the Students (Ampa) also requested maximum respect and privacy.

This tragedy occurs three months after a similar event occurred in Sallent (Barcelona), where on February 21 two twin girls, also 12 years old, threw themselves into the void from the balcony of their house on the third floor. One of the girls died and the other was seriously injured.

Specialists point out that deaths by suicide never have a single trigger, but are the result of psychological, biological and social factors that have treatment.