Llagostera City Council has filed a complaint with the Girona Court against a resident of the municipality who allegedly ran an organization dedicated to criminal occupation.

The man would accumulate a total of 46 complaints in the last 18 months related to the illegal occupation of real estate, the sale of keys, the fraud of electricity, disturbance of public order, threats and coercion.

In the police record, since 2016 there have been several complaints communicated by the neighbors that would have motivated the intervention by the Mossos d’Esquadra and the Local Police.

According to the Consistory and the Local Police, it has several “indications” that the defendant would illegally facilitate access to the homes for third parties to whom he would sell the keys to enter after changing the lock.

“The purpose is to obtain an economic return by generating a real business,” says the City Council in a statement. The defendant would have threatened and coerced neighbors and even police officers, using weapons to achieve “a certain degree of impunity.”