The Family Business Institute (IEF) yesterday started its 26th national congress in Bilbao demanding its role in society. The meeting, opened at the University of Deusto with the welcome of the mayor of Bilbao, Juan Mari Aburto, and the president of the Association of Family Businesses of Euskadi, José Miguel Lanzagorta, has this year’s motto “The strength of people” .

The association, which represents 70% of employment and 60% of Spain’s GDP, focuses its congress this year on showing how “it is the people who, with their work, their talent and their enthusiasm, move the country forward, and that “Family businesses constitute one of the places where these are found and developed.”

The conference will be inaugurated today by the King in the presence of Iñigo Urkullu, Lehendakari of the Basque Government and the president of the IEF, Andrés Sendagorta. As in previous years, on this occasion neither the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, nor any member of the Executive will participate as a speaker. Yes, there will be the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, José Luis Escrivá, who will accompany the King. Just like last year in Cáceres, the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will also intervene.

More than 500 family businessmen from all over Spain and belonging to all sectors are expected to attend. Speakers include Ana Botín (Santander), José Manuel Entrecanales (Acciona), Joaquín Uriach (Uriach), Manuel Domínguez (Mayoral), Salvador Palmada (Spencer Stuart), Sabina Fluxá (Iberostar), Juan José Cano (KPMG), Tomás Pascual (Pascual), Mané Calvo (Grupo Calvo), Ramón Alejandro Balet (Saica), Rocío Osborne (Osborne), Salvador Bautista (Bergé y Cía.) or Simón Pedro Barceló (Barceló).