The National Executive of Més-Compromís has unanimously proposed Amparo Piquer as general secretary of the party, after the resignation of Àgueda Micó, who has left the position due to the statutory incompatibility with that of deputy in Congress. This decision of the leadership of Más will be submitted to a final vote in the National Council next Saturday, the highest body of militancy between party congresses.

Amparo Piquer is the current secretary of Organization of the party, she has a long career as a militant, she has been a councilor for Rafelbunyol and has been part of various executives of both Més and Compromís. In recent months, she has led the coalition negotiations with Sumar and has directed the electoral campaign for the general elections on July 23. In addition, the management of Más has proposed Pablo Bellver for the position of Organization Secretary, replacing Piquer.

The executive of Més has also decided to submit to the National Council the proposal to hold an Ordinary National Congress for the year 2024 with the aim of strengthening the party to recover the municipal governments and that of the Generalitat Valenciana in 2027, as well as renew the positions of training direction.

Amparo Piquer has pointed out that “we have the challenge ahead of us to strengthen political Valencianism and make the best opposition in the worst government that the Valencian Country has ever had and we will do it from municipalism and always putting people and the protection of the territory before us” .

“The result of the previous elections has shown that Compromís is an essential project to have progressive governments that defend, above all else, the interests of Valencians. We cannot allow our country to be the testing laboratory for the right and the extreme right and, once again, a nest of corruption”, explained Piquer. “Compromís we will build the best alternative in this government of shame.”

The management of Més thanked Micó for the great work he has done over the years and wished him luck and success in this new stage as deputy and spokesperson for Compromís in Congress and as deputy spokesperson for the Plurinational-Sumar Parliamentary Group.