The European Public Prosecutor’s Office has archived the investigation into the contract for the supply of 250,000 masks for a total amount of 1,512,500 euros awarded by the Madrid Health Service of the Community of Madrid (SERMAS), which affected the brother of the Madrid president, Isabel Diaz Ayuso.

During the investigation, prosecutors took various statements; they analyzed the documentation provided by the declarants; they verified the authenticity of the photographs of the delivered masks; they requested information from various entities such as the Tax Agency, SERMAS and the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR); They collected reports from the Civil Guard and appointed an expert who substantiated the documentation.

After these investigations, the procedure has been closed due to the lack of necessary evidence of the commission of a crime. In particular, it has not been proven that the price paid for the masks was disproportionate given the quality of the material offered and delivered or that it had suffered an undue increase derived from the intervention of people outside the company. Finally, it has been proven that the transportation was paid for by the winning company and not by the Community of Madrid.