The easterly wind keeps the residents of Puerto Real, in Cádiz, on alert, after the Infoca Plan declared the fire that started yesterday at 2:50 p.m. in the Las Canteras area controlled, but not extinguished. which ended up spreading to Los Toruños and La Algaida. The green lung of the Bay of Cádiz was engulfed in flames and the proximity of the fire to the houses caused the emergency to be raised to level 1, although at midnight it returned to level 0.

More than 70 professionals have been working day and night so that the flames do not continue to gain ground and work continues to prevent the embers from activating and generating more fires again.

For the moment, the National Police has already opened an investigation and, although no hypothesis has been ruled out, the fact that two outbreaks have been recorded in a short time, one of them in the fairgrounds and another in the vicinity of the hospital, makes think that the fire, which has affected four areas, could have been provoked.

The mayoress of the city, Aurora Salvador, who was approaching Las Canteras today to make a reconnaissance of the affected place, pointed out this line. “We are expectant and taking care that a very large flame does not come out so that the fire does not spread again to us,” declared the mayor in Onda Cero, since she showed her concern for “the easterly wind, which means that we do not arrive to that extinction phase until all the embers are completely extinguished and are not reactivated by the wind”.

Salvador did not want to miss the opportunity to thank the neighbors for the quick response they had to the flames. And it is that an improvised human chain of around 500 people did not hesitate for a second before taking buckets and hoses to water gardens to help control the fire. “I will always appreciate that quick response from the public” who “prevented the fire from reaching the houses and the people. I did not expect anything else from my people ”, he pointed out.

Images of residents fighting the fire went viral in no time. A quick organization and coordination to put an end to the threat of this natural space that has become an example. “The people save the people”, could be read on Twitter while the users of this network sent strength and encouragement to Infoca for the work they are doing.

On Sunday, at least 20 families had to be evicted from their homes for fear that the flames would reach their homes while, on the other hand, it was feared that the fire would reach the electrical substation located near the hospital and that supplies service to the Puerto Real town as well as the capital of Cadiz. Finally, several neighborhoods in both cities were left in the dark until after 8:30 p.m. the incidents could be resolved. Traffic was also affected on the A-4 motorway, which connects Cádiz with Seville, as well as the accesses that connect Puerto Real with the silver cup by the two bridges, the José León de Carranza and the 1812 Constitution.

On the other hand, and as pointed out by the Minister of the Presidency of the Junta de Andalucía, Antonio Sanz, 15 people have had to be treated by the emergency services for smoke inhalation and burns, all of them of a mild nature.

At the moment, they are waiting for the technical committee to meet to proceed to assess the damage caused by the flames.

The fight against the fire has been carried out from the ground and in the air by the Infoca firefighters who have counted 8 aerial means, a heavy extinguishing vehicle, two medium-heavy vehicles and a light vehicle, in addition to the Forest Fire Analysis Unit (UNASIF). .

National and local police, Civil Guard agents, Firefighters from the province of Cádiz, Red Cross, Civil Protection and 061 Emergency professionals have also formed and are part of this extinction device.