València is trying to locate, with the help of citizen collaboration, the perpetrator of the run-over of an eight-year-old boy last Sunday who fled. The accident occurred when the minor was crossing a pedestrian crossing and the driver ran a red light and recklessly overtook other vehicles. The Traffic Judicial Police inspector of the Local Police, Benito Velasco, in statements to Europa Press Television, stated that “it was circulating with total contempt for people’s lives and for the rest of the road users.”

The child remains hospitalized in serious condition, while citizen collaboration is requested to locate and arrest the escaped driver. Surveillance cameras captured the vehicle (a dark gray BMW 3 series) but not its license plate.

At around 3:33 p.m., on Hermanos Machado Avenue and Moncada Road, the boy crossed the pedestrian crossing with a family member when a car that was going at high speed ignored the red light and “even recklessly overtook all the traffic lights.” vehicles that were stopped in the stop line” and ran over the minor, causing very serious injuries and subsequently fled.

The Local Police have recorded the pre-collision and flight trajectory of the vehicle, where the reckless driving, the high speed and its “contempt upon arrival at pedestrian crossings” with “no type of respect” are confirmed. “There is no sign of braking: the driver avoids the stopped vehicles and hits the minor with the left rearview mirror,” the inspector said.

In fact, the broken mirror can help locate the escaped vehicle, a task in which the Local Police collaborates with the Civil Guard, the National Police, the DGT and neighboring municipalities. “But citizen collaboration is very important,” he stressed.

“Anyone who sees, who remembers a vehicle with similar characteristics, should contact the Local Police. If you are from Valencia city, calling 092; If it is from outside, call 96 208 54 38, or call 112,” he explained. The Local Police believe that it is a four-door car, but do not rule out that it could be two.

The track of the vehicle, which came from Alboraya, was lost at the Hermanos Machado exit on the Ronda Norte, in the direction of V-30. That is where the Local Police works with the DGT and the Generalitat to detect the license plate with the images from the cameras that are the responsibility of other administrations.

At the moment, the Police are receiving citizen notices and are inspecting several identified vehicles, “but the line of investigation has to continue with the collaboration of any person,” the inspector noted in previous statements to the media.

Regarding why the cameras did not capture the license plate, the police officer explained that the City Council is making a “significant investment” to replace them with others with a higher resolution, since “there are still some that cannot read a license plate.”