The PP and Vox bill to regularize illegal irrigation in the area of ​​Doñana – which has yet to culminate in the Andalusian Chamber – is causing unprecedented tension and political division and is driving away hopes of re-editing (at least in the short term) an agreement between the institutions to preserve this natural enclave and overcome the continuous tests of degradation. The initiative, according to various analysts, has an electoral purpose, since it seeks to create the conditions to seize the mayoralties from the PSOE councils in Huelva County. At stake is winning the Diputación de Huelva, now in the hands of the PSOE. Obtaining this position allows the popular to have greater influence in public companies and resources. However, this local battle has jumped into the state arena, and it remains to be seen if it can generate misunderstanding among the voters of the state PP. These may not understand that the risk of a sanction against Spain is incurred or that the image of a national and international icon such as Doñana is endangered.

The confrontation has forced the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to intervene, who has expressed his support for the Junta in its initiatives to solve the “problems” of the affected families who seek irrigation regularization. He also charges against the government of Pedro Sánchez for calling the Andalusian president, Juanma Moreno, a “superb gentleman” and “dedicating himself to confronting” autonomies instead of sitting down to find solutions. “No one believes that the government is interested in the Doñana park because it has not taken care of it for many years,” he said.

The Minister of Sustainability, Ramón Fernández, reiterates his deep disappointment with the Secretary of State for the Environment, Hugo Morán, for failing to fulfill the commitment to create a bilateral technical commission to outline the “improvements for Doñana”.

“It is an aberration. It cannot be, at this point, knowing the evolution of this natural area, that measures are put in place that go against what the scientific community endorses”, Hugo Morán explains to this newspaper. For him there is no willingness to agree from the PP, since the “regulation plan” does not have technical endorsement and the Andalusian Government did not present allegations to the Guadalquivir hydrological plan, which, moreover, does not admit “not one more square meter of land irrigable”.

The general secretary of the PSOE-A, Juan Espadas, accused the president of the Board, Juanma Moreno, of being “misleading Huelva” by giving farmers in the province false “expectations” (“lies like a piano”) since they did not it is possible to grant them irrigation rights over crops in the area around Doñana (with the planned transfer from Tinto-Odiel-Piedras to Doñana).

In the medium term, everything indicates that the PP is not going to renounce its proposal and only in the event that it turns against it would it back down. If the bill is finally approved, it is certain that the central government will file an appeal for unconstitutionality, since the transfer is the responsibility of the Guadalquivir Confederation, under the control of the central administration. The president of the Guadalquivir Confederation, Joaquín Páez, declared that the transfer from Tinto to Doñana would not serve for new irrigation but for already legal irrigation, which could thus close their wells (and reduce the pressure on the aquifer that dries up Doñana). .