The Alicante provincial PP has demanded the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, to clarify what has been the action of the Health emergency service in a service in Elx, in which, according to the popular, a man died after waiting 25 minutes for a ambulance. On the other hand, the Ministry of Health has defended that the case “has nothing to do” with centralization.

In a statement, the deputy secretary for Social Policy of the PP in Alicante, Loreto Serrano, stressed that centralization “takes lives” and that, in this particular service, “the Valencia coordination center sent an ambulance that was 35 kilometers, when there was another free seven, with the final result of the death of the patient”.

“Again, the chaos in the management and the absolute lack of coordination into which Puig has plunged healthcare in the Community is evident, and especially the ninguneo that the province of Alicante suffers again in an issue that fully affects the citizens”.

For their part, sources from the Ministry of Health have assured EFE that the fact that there is a Samu base nearby does not mean that it was available at that time and they have insisted that the centralization of the Cicu “has nothing to do with it”. because “the operation has not changed”.

These same sources have highlighted that, after checking the recordings of the call, the ambulance was late because the person who called was a foreign family who did not specify the exact address and it was the Cicu who sent the Samu by geolocation to the La Marina de Elx district, unaware still the address.

Thus, they have stated that it was not until a neighbor got on the phone that they could specify the exact street and they have highlighted that “from the time the neighbor alerted him until the ambulance arrived, less than four minutes passed.”

“The Cicu works exactly the same now as when it was in Alicante, and even now the response process has been improved”, they have highlighted from Health, a department that has influenced that the person who managed the call was a person from Alicante with previous experience in the province before centralizing the Cicu.

However, the popular leader has stressed that Alicante “does not deserve such abandonment by the Consell”, while maintaining that Puig and the Minister of Health, Miguel Mínguez, “lied when in January they justified the disappearance of the coordination center of Alicante to improve emergency management through artificial intelligence”.

“Unfortunately, time has proved us right and has shown that the transfer of the CICU was a merely economic measure and a real botch as we warned”, Serrano has had an impact, who in his opinion, “it is very serious that this Council You’re putting saving money before emergencies, where a minute can be the difference between living or dying.

For the PP’s deputy secretary for Social Policy, the Valencian government is “very quiet on this matter”, when the public, she has assured, needs “explanations and guarantees that this will not happen again”.

“It is unfortunate that they experiment with this issue and dismantle a service that worked well, precisely because it was close and the workers knew the peculiarities of the province. In no head is it possible to attend to emergency calls 170 kilometers away,” the popular leader has concluded.