The afternoon gave a certain truce, but this morning the rainfall has intensified strongly in the province of Valencia. The effects of the DANA are already being observed in the regions of Ribera Alta, L’Horta Sud and in the city of Valencia, where the Emergency teams have worked overnight after the strong waterspout that fell between one and four o’clock in the early morning. There have been local problems with vehicles blocked on the road and leaks in the underside.

Right now, firefighters are working in Torrent, where there is a flooded pass and where people trapped in cars had to be rescued overnight. The Valencia Provincial Fire Department Consortium has intervened tonight in up to 15 water-related emergencies in the province, such as the rescue of two people trapped in the car in Benifaió, the detachment of rubble in Utiel, the entry of water into houses in Manises or the removal of trees.

Firefighters from Valencia and Alicante have also had services due to leaks, removal of branches and rescues of blocked vehicles. The Júcar Hydrographic Confederation has recorded more than 30 l/m2 in one hour and more than 50 l/m2 in 4 hours in Algemesí, Guadassuar, Real de Montroy and Bétera.

On the other hand, the Generalitat Emergency Center has reported that in total, the 112 telephone operators have received 283 calls related to the rainy episode, between midnight and six in the morning. Likewise, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana has interrupted circulation on line 2 between Paterna and Llíria due to a sinkhole caused by the rains. They are currently managing buses to cover the affected section, which affects the route between Paterna, La Canyada, L’Eliana, Benaguasil and Llíria.

The incidents this morning in Valencia are added to those of yesterday in Castellón, where DANA hit hard yesterday, leaving roads flooded and flooded areas, as well as traffic jams on the AP-7, the main artery of the Mediterranean.

The forecast for this Sunday is for intense rainfall and, above all, strong gusts of wind from the east and northeast in Castellón and north of Valencia.