* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In La Vanguardia Readers’ Photos we can see how these lenticular clouds in Campdevànol, in the Ripollès region, seem to adapt to the shape of the mountain, following its sinuous silhouette.

Lenticular clouds are called that because they are shaped like a lentil, as their name indicates, or there are also those who see them as a saucer or converging lens.

They are stationary and form mainly at high altitudes in mountainous areas and isolated from other clouds. Among mountaineers these clouds are considered a harbinger of a storm.

With these clouds you will like: on the one hand, glider pilots continually look for this type of clouds because the atmospheric system that forms them involves large vertical movements of air (the world record for distance gliding flight: 3000 km, and altitude: 14,938 m, were obtained with this type of clouds).

But on the other hand, airline pilots avoid lenticular clouds because of the turbulence created in the rotor systems.