The acting president of the Government, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, would win a general election if they were held today, according to the Center for Sociological Research (CIS), which published its first barometer this Thursday after the July 23 elections that gave a clear but insufficient victory for the PP candidate, Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

Furthermore, the organization headed by the controversial José Félix Tezanos places Sumar of the acting second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, in third position, ahead of Vox, also reversing the positions resulting from the last elections.

Specifically, the September barometer gives 33.5% of the estimated vote to the PSOE, almost two points more than those obtained by the socialists on 23-J, while it gives the PP 31.7% of the votes, which It represents a loss of 1.3 points compared to the elections two months ago, a drop that would occur due to Feijóo’s inability to reach Moncloa, which will be reflected in five days in the failed investiture on September 26.

According to the CIS, the electorate does not seem to punish the PSOE for its agreement with Sumar and with the nationalist and independence forces for the Congress Board that resulted in the reform of the Chamber’s regulations to allow the use of co-official languages ??in all the parliamentary activity and in Spain’s request in the General Affairs Council of the EU for these languages ??to also be official in the European institutions, an issue that was postponed on Tuesday, nor the debate on the amnesty for those accused of the process that The Catalan independence parties demand, especially Junts, Carles Puigdemont’s party, to support an eventual investiture of Sánchez once Feijóo’s fails.

On the other hand, Sumar, whose president, Yolanda Díaz, met at the beginning of the month in Brussels with the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont, would lose four tenths compared to the July elections, to reach a vote estimate of 11.9% . However, Sumar would be in fourth position, given that the formation of Santiago Abascal, which occupies that place in Congress but is insufficient to invest Feijóo, would lose 1.3 points until obtaining 11.1% of the votes.

In any case, the negotiations and expectations generated after the results of 23-J would also have an impact on the Catalan political situation, according to the public institute, which grants a total tie to the two pro-independence forces in the fray. Thus JuntsxCatalunya, which is revealed to be key for an eventual investiture of Sánchez after not having supported the Government in the previous legislature, would rise one tenth in vote estimate (1.7%), while ERC, whose support for the progressive Executive has already been given In the previous legislature, it would drop two tenths.

Regarding the competition between PNV and EH Bildu in the Basque Country and Navarra, the September barometer clearly puts the Abertzales ahead, to whom it gives 1.3% of the votes, practically the same as on 23-J. On the other hand, it gives 0.9% to jeltzales, two tenths below.

Regarding the preferences of citizens on who should preside over the government, according to the CIS, 29.7% opt for Pedro Sánchez, while 20.7% do so for Feijóo and 13.8% for Díaz. Only 4.9% opt for Abascal.

Regarding the problems that concern citizens, the September barometer reveals the growth of more than four points in problems linked to politics and an increase in concern generated by climate change, which has risen almost ten points and stands as a fourth problem.

Specifically, the list of Spain’s problems is once again headed by the economic crisis, with 27.9% of mentions, followed by unemployment, which scores 35.5%. The third position is for political problems, which went from 22% before the elections to 26.2%, and the fourth for climate change, which in July scored 4.1 compared to the 13.8% it received. in the September poll. Its record was reached just a year ago, with 14.6%.