“A repeat electoral fraud” and “a deception on the Spanish people.” This is what the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, sees in the words of the acting president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, on Wednesday in New York, which means, in his opinion, “opening a door to amnesty.”

In statements in Congress after the approval of the modification of the reform of the Regulation so that the law can be used, the popular leader stressed that Sánchez’s statements represent “a turning point in the democratic history of our country”, because For the first time, he said, a Prime Minister “speaks openly about the possibility of an amnesty in favor of all those who committed crimes against Spanish democracy.”

Feijóo recalled that the acting president is the same one who promised to bring those involved in the escaped process before the Spanish Justice, “the same one who congratulated the judges for their sentences” and the same one who “even aggravated the sentences of the authors of the process saying that it was not just a sedition but a rebellion”. That is why he considers that Pedro Sánchez “has deceived us again” and has committed a fraud on the law, because “he appeared in the elections saying that amnesty does not fit in the constitution”, hence his willingness now to confront him is for the popular leader “a repeat and aggravated electoral fraud, because it is lying about lies.”

The possibility of this amnesty is, in his opinion, in addition to electoral fraud, “an attack on democracy and the division of powers that the Constitution protects,” because the approval of an amnesty goes, he said, “against the Constitution, against the division of powers and against himself”, because it goes against what he said until the elections, and what the Spaniards voted for him.

Then he said that an amnesty does not fit in the Constitution, and that is why he considers that “never has one fooled so many,” although he warned that “you can never fool everyone all the time”; “No one has ever deceived his nation so much.”

Feijóo considers that these words, assuming that there will be an amnesty for Pedro Sánchez to be president, do not mean giving up his investiture, but, on the contrary, he considers that if it was necessary before, “now it is essential”, because it will be the PP who will defend what has been done in Congress during the last 40 years, who will defend the Constitution, who will be proud of the transition and who will commit to complying with and enforcing the Constitution and the rest of the legal system, in addition to defending the equality of all Spaniards.

Feijóo claims to feel “a clamor in society” to stop this drift, and there are more and more, he stated, “socialists who dare to speak out.” They are socialists, he said, “who have done much more for Spain than the new ones who are in the Government and sit on the blue bench.” The leader of the PP agreed, although he did not mention them, with Felipe González and Alfonso Guerra, that the amnesty is the condemnation of democracy”, because the possible amnesty “is an amendment to the totality” of what is has done, and if Justice should not have been used against what happened in Catalonia in 2017, “it is evident that it is an amendment to the entire rule of law.”

Alberto Núñez Feijóo also referred in his appearance before the press to the approval of the reform of the regulations that will allow the use of languages, which in his opinion is “the first payment demanded by the independentists so that the loser remains president.” His judgment is “an unprecedented cession”, because the PSOE has always refused that use and has not modified its opinion to defend the co-official languages ??in the Autonomous Communities, but rather “to remedy an electoral defeat.” He considers that with this transfer the PSOE defends the languages, but rather “uses them, deals with them and patrimonializes languages ??that it does not know.” Something that he is not going to accept, because he is not going to allow, he said, “the language in which I have spoken all my life and that I will use until I die for the benefit of just one man,” Pedro Sánchez.

That is why it will use all the tools at the disposal of the Popular Group, whose legal services are already studying, on the one hand, the constitutionality of the norm, but also that it has been applied before approving it, and that money has been spent by the Board before put it into action, because, he warns, “the splitting of contracts is prohibited by law.” So he does not rule out going to court.

Feijóo considers it very serious that a law has been allowed to be applied before its approval and publication, “something that has not happened in any democratic parliament, because if it had been done they would have ceased to be democratic parliaments.”

Regarding the fact that it has not yet been possible to publish the diary of Tuesday’s Congress sessions, due to the use of different languages, Feijóo stressed that the lawyers had already warned about the complexity that would entail, and that “if the Congress became in karaoke, that would cause enormous difficulties.