The center of Valencia, on the inner perimeter of the ring road formed by the Gran Vía Fernando el Católico, Ramón y Cajal, Germanías and Marqués del Túria and the right bank of the old Túria riverbed, will remain closed to road traffic from Thursday 16 March, at 3:00 p.m., until the 20th, at 4:00 a.m., on the occasion of Fallas 2023.

The City Council has provided car parks at the main entrances to the city to facilitate entry and exit. Likewise, residents and visitors are recommended to use public transport to move around Valencia, as reported by the consistory in a statement.

City buses, taxis, public service vehicles, vehicles that deal with emergency situations and official vehicles authorized by the Mobility area are excepted from the ban on driving through the center of Valencia.

This prohibition also does not affect people residing in the restricted area, a circumstance that they can prove with their national identity document (DNI), circulation permit, circulation permit card, Real Estate Tax (IBI) receipt or rent. However, it is recommended that it be accessed by vehicle from 6:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and “only when it is essential”2.

The loading and unloading vehicles that must circulate through the restricted area may do so from 6:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. without the need for authorization but proving to the Local Police, when required, the supply address by means of a delivery note or any other document.

This permit does not apply to special transport and dangerous cargo vehicles, which do require the authorizations provided for in the mobility ordinance. Movement restrictions will be extended to different areas of the city at specific times when necessary.

Thus, when the needs of circulation so advise, the Local Police may extend the perimeter of the restrictions to a second ring road made up of the avenues of Peris and Valero, Pérez Galdós and Giorgeta.

The area near the City of Sciences will also be affected during the nights and early mornings of March 16, 17 and 18, coinciding with the firing of the castles and, especially, during the Nit del Foc.

The City Council has set up car parks at the main entrances to the city to facilitate the entry and exit of residents and visitors who enter.

Thus, parking zones are established at the entrance and exit of the CV-35, in the area of ??Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas and the Ademuz track; in CV-21, avenida de Catalunya, Tarongers and Blasco Ibáñez; on the V-31, Germans Maristes, Institut Obrero, Antonio Ferrandis and Font de Sant Lluís and on the access to the A-3, in the vicinity of the Tres Creus avenue.

The consistory requests that visitors entering the city leave their vehicles in the designated car parks and use the bus, metro and tram lines to get close to the party areas.

On the days of distribution of prizes, the buses of the fallas commissions will be able to carry out the operations of raising and lowering of falleros and falleras in the avenue of Navarro Reverter and Guillem de Castro.

Likewise, on offering days, the buses of the commissions will be able to park in Paseo de la Alameda, Calle de Almassora, Puente de las Artes, and in the streets of Guadalaviar, Pla de la Saïdia, Mauro Guillén and Menéndez Pidal.

Car park modifications

In addition, the regulated parking service with limited hours is also modified until 9:00 a.m. on March 20 throughout the municipal area. In the blue zone, time regulation is suspended; the orange one, exclusively for residents 24 hours a day, and the green one will continue to function as usual.