The main candidates for the mayoralty of Barcelona posed yesterday for the traditional photograph of La Vanguardia prior to the election day. On this occasion it was Xavier Cervera, responsible for the photography section of the rotary, who was in charge of immortalizing the mayors, Mayoress Ada Colau (BComú), Ernest Maragall (ERC), Jaume Collboni (PSC), Xavier Trias (TriasxBCN), Anna Grau (Ciudadanos), Eva Parera (Valents) and Daniel Sirera (PP).

This is truly more than just a snapshot, much more than a photo that is always posted on Election Day. After so many cross criticisms, so many attacks and blows between the candidates typical of any electoral contest, this photograph comes to remind us that the ultimate objective of these elections is the search for consensus, for a social pact that allows differences and gaps to be overcome ideological ideas in favor of improving the lives of all the people who make up Barcelona.

And in this way, in a very natural and unimposed way, cordiality and at times even good vibes between the contestants prevailed throughout the event, this year aboard a boat from the Port of Barcelona, ​​from the Consolat de Mar, moored next to to the World Trade Center, with the statue of Columbus as a backdrop. And along with the candidates, an unexpected exceptional protagonist, the Hundred Guineas Jug, the trophy for the Copa del América, the great competition that will take place next year.

Some of the most famous political chroniclers in this city say that this highly symbolic photograph is basically the result of Barcelona’s character, of its spirit of dialogue and conciliation, of its predisposition to get along with those who are different; and they also say that carrying out similar initiatives in other large cities is practically impossible, that there are many places where any attempt to leave tensions behind is always orthopedic, artificial, faked…

And Colau was in a very good mood all the time, laughing at the successive thanks of Sirera, who revealed himself as the funniest of the group. Parera also had a great time, still on the hectic roller coaster of these two weeks. Maragall, as he is, contained his desire to participate in the organization of the session. Collboni, for his part, very attentive to the instructions, very participatory. Trias openly enjoyed the sea breeze. And Grau, the most reserved, did the same with the sun. Everyone held up very well, this final effort. They even took a few selfies with a sea of ​​smiles! The truth is that there is no more firewood, no more wood or more luck to throw. The cards are already on the table. Today is the great day of the people of Barcelona.

In reality, the person who had the worst time – to put it in some way – on board the Consolat de Mar was Newton, the custodian of the Hundred Guineas Jug, in charge of ensuring that no mishap ever happens to the America’s Cup trophy. His pristine white gloves attest to his zeal and dedication. The trophy arrived in the city, from New Zealand, a few days ago. Obviously he did not take any risk at any time. But every time the photographer Cervera told Newton to withdraw a few steps, the custodian couldn’t help but adopt a feline position in order to be prepared for any mishap. In fact, he was not amused that the session was on a boat. And if he goes under? Then Newton relaxed, a little…

In addition, they are increasingly daring, risky and complex snapshots that also require the complicity of politicians. In 2011, on the stage of the Tivolí theater, Jordi Portabella, Alberto Fernández Díaz, Jordi Hereu, Xavier Trias and Ricard Gomà launched gigantic letters into the air, the letters that make up the word Barcelona. And in 2019, Anna Saliente, Jaume Collboni, Manuel Valls, Ada Colau, Elsa Artadi, Ernest Maragall and Josep Bou began to splash around in the fountain of the Mies van der Rohe pavilion. Then they all got wet in Barcelona. That is the spirit of this photograph.

And the photographer is as obliged to anticipate every last detail as he is prepared to improvise at any moment. A couple of months ago, Cervera knew that he would be the one to click: “The first thing I started to think about was the location,” he recalls, “in a consensus location, in something that would not confront the candidates.” And what better place than a ship, with all the metaphors that it entails. And that’s it, the photographer said to himself, let everything revolve around the America’s Cup. No, it is not easy to find a great event that all the mayors consider positive for the city. Fortunately, both the Port of Barcelona and the organization of the nautical competition supported the initiative and offered their full collaboration.

And Cervera clicked his camera up a folding ladder arranged on the dock while the candidates greeted him from the boat, and he also took off his shoes and climbed to the top of the Consolat de Mar to photograph the candidates looking at through a spyglass. “Mayor or mayoress in sight…”, she told them herself. And suddenly the gremlins and goblins appear: a spyglass is missing! Where the heck is he? Fortunately, she appeared right away, at the helm. “Close your eyes and open them on the count of three… one, two and…”.

Because the photographer has to attend to all the details with great speed. Despite the fact that we are in the day of reflection, that the electoral campaign has finally ended, the agenda of the mayors is still very tight. Because politicians also have families, a few loved ones whom they have barely seen in the last two weeks and who now also ask for their attention.

It has been 39 years since the photographer Pedro Madueño took the first snapshot of the then candidates to preside over the Generalitat: Jordi Pujol (CiU), Raimon Obiols (PSC), Heribert Barrera (ERC) and Antoni Gutiérrez Díaz (PSUC). And since then, since that 1984, election after election, consultation after consultation, this session always held during the day of reflection became a custom and, ultimately, a classic of political life in Catalonia. The first time that La Vanguardia immortalized the main candidates for mayor of Barcelona was in 1991. Then, a fifty-year-old Pasqual Maragall posed with Josep Maria Cullell, Eulàlia Vintró and Enrique Lacalle.

A simple look at the newspaper library of La Vanguardia reveals numerous and interesting details of these four decades. We are not only talking about the different ways of dressing. Through all these snapshots we also witness the historical evolution of the different political forces, their rises and also their declines. And page after page we also contemplate the reflection of some social changes. In the past, not as many women appeared as in recent years. No way. The chosen scenarios also show us the evolution of this city. In this way, for example, in 2003, Imma Mayol, Alberto Fernández Díaz, Joan Clos, Xavier Trias and Jordi Portabella posed in the works of the Glòries tower, the building still under construction signed by the architect Jean Nouvel. Then it was only cement.