The head of the Podemos list in Asturias, Covadonga Tomé, will maintain the confinement that began last night at the party headquarters in Gijón until there are no guarantees that his candidacy includes all those elected in the primaries, while the secretary of the purple formation, Ione Belarra, has urged him to present himself, since he has “all the support” of the organization.

“It is not about winning or losing, what we had to win was the primaries and we already won them,” Tomé told journalists fifteen hours after, along with a dozen like-minded, the confinement began after it ended without an agreement a meeting with the regional leadership, which raised the exclusion of number four from the list, Jorge Fernández, suspended from affiliation for six months.

From Toledo, where this Friday he has participated in an act of the European Network to Fight Poverty (EAPN), Belarra has guaranteed that Tomé has the support of the national and regional leadership and has asked him “to all go out together to obtain the best possible results, which is the best for the Asturians”.

For his part, the interim coordinator of Podemos Asturies, Rafael Palacios, has accused Tomé of seeking “apologies to break” with the organization by refusing to assume the replacement of number four of the candidacy.

“I hope that Covadonga’s objective is not to break with everything,” Palacios said in statements to journalists in which he stressed that it is a “complicated, painful and sad” situation.

Tomé, who after requesting the intervention of the national leadership has thanked Belarra for his “support”, has assured that he cannot imagine any other scenario other than the full ratification of the candidacy that he leads after the leadership proposed replacing Fernández with the number 7, the councilor in Oviedo and spokesperson for the regional executive, Ana Taboada.

After claiming that Podemos “as heirs of 15M” is capable of proposing “a different way of doing politics”, Tomé has not specified what they would do in the event that Monday – the deadline to register the candidacy – was reached without the management accepting his demand to respect the integrity of the list and has indicated that, for the moment, they are not considering the possibility of not signing it and being left out.

In addition, he recalled that the regional leadership led on an interim basis by up to now parliamentary spokesman Rafael Palacios in the face of the loss of the national deputy and coordinator, Sofía Castañón, has already opened up to fourteen disciplinary proceedings against leaders and militants of the critical sector and has demanded put an end to that policy in a party “that boasts of a democratic tradition”.

In this sense, she has indicated that she herself was proposed for sanction, like the number two of the candidacy, Xune Elipe, -for which it has already been rejected- and that Fernández was expedited for giving his opinion in a body internal to the party and that his suspension from militancy is pending appeal without this decision disqualifying him from being part of an electoral list.

In addition to the first four members of the regional candidacy and other leaders and supporters, among those locked up is also the until now regional deputy and former secretary general of Podemos Asturies, Daniel Ripa, also filed and expelled from the party.