Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla has been as successful asking Toni Soler to renounce his humor and “restore the honor” of the Virgin of El Rocío as Laura Borràs has been demanding her rehabilitation as president of Parliament. The Junts leader received the sentence refusing to resign while her party waited in silence for the Central Electoral Board (JEC) to clear the way for Xavier Trias. “The decisions will come” have been repeated over and over again by the majority of members of the post-convergent executive in the face of the Borràs case, but her castling leaves the calendar in the hands of the JEC. The withdrawal of the seat will come to heat the campaign of the municipal elections and increase the ERC-Junts clash.

In Jordi Turull’s team, he always suspected that the case would be resolved at the least opportune moment and the noise would make the mayors uncomfortable. Turull works so that the 28-M has a municipalist dynamic but the internal debate is reduced to drunkards against pragmatists and makes any strategic approach beyond crisis management impossible. Borràs against Magda Oranich in public, many more in private… And a 24% censorship of the Trias list for Barcelona.

Borràs can accuse Alba Vergés – as the “acting president” of the Catalan Chamber – of violating her parliamentary rights “deliberately”, “premeditated”, “unfairly” and “undemocratically”. He can even call for a boycott against Vergés as an ERC candidate in Igualada but, regardless of her relief, the future of her seat does not depend on her neighbor in Anoia.

The “Borràs doctrine” marks the way, remember in ERC. And it is none other than following in the footsteps of the president of Junts with the seat of Pau Juvillà. There was not then nor is there now a dichotomy between obeying the JEC or defending the sovereignty of Parliament. With the resolution in hand, the officials of the Chamber will attend to the requirement of the Electoral Board and, if it arrives, the loss of deputy status of Borràs will become effective. In the Juvillà case, the president of Junts acted in accordance with the law of inverse relationship that is applied in the Sí, minister series. The less she could disobey her, the more Borràs talked about it.

The future of Borràs and the result of Junts in the Barcelona City Council will mark the relationship with ERC. Pere Aragonès has given a boost to his proposal for a clarity agreement with an eye on a referendum agreed with the Government and previously informed socialists and post-convergents of his intentions. For the Republicans, the tactical goal for the week has been met. Shake up the debate on the Catalan political conflict even if it is by adding more detractors than supporters and with the explicit rejection of the Government and Carles Puigdemont himself.

The electoral calendar does not help the maturation of large agreements – not even due to the drought – but ERC wants to shore up its offer against its opponents in the municipal elections. The proposal for a party meeting in June is intended to be the “landing strip” for a PSC that shies away from any debate on the territorial model that affects Sánchez’s electoral expectations at the end of the year. Salvador Illa and Aragonès maintain an ongoing relationship but the first secretary of the PSC does not want to hear about referendums. In ERC they remember that, as with the budgets, Illa has spent two years demanding “dialogue between Catalans” and when he offers it to him, he “rejects it.”

The clue that ERC offers Junts is in the broken investiture agreement. In the pact, at the request of the post-convergents -according to ERC-, a commitment was introduced by which “only a referendum on self-determination agreed with the State can replace the political mandate of the 1-O referendum”. “Present a viable alternative and not the fantasies of Joan Canadell”, is already one of the favorite phrases that Aragonès has dedicated to Junts. Puigdemont prefers to delve into the minority situation of the Government and the “opaque” negotiations between PSOE and ERC to question the feasibility of the proposal.

A new cycle will start with the general elections. ERC believes that an investiture by Pedro Sánchez could be a new lever for its strategy and, if PP and Vox prevent it, it will be necessary to recover a minimum of unity in Catalonia. Unity and the law of inverse relationship: the further it is, the more it is talked about.