This Friday, the Spanish bishops sent a letter of congratulations to Pedro Sánchez for his re-election as President of the Government and asked him for “loyal, generous and constant” service to the Spanish people, as reported by the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) in a release.

“At the beginning of this new legislature, we wish to convey to you, on behalf of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, our desire for a time of loyal, generous and constant service for the good of all Spaniards,” the bishops point out in their message, signed by the president of the CEE and cardinal archbishop of Barcelona, ??Juan José Omella, and by the auxiliary bishop of Toledo and secretary general of the CEE, Francisco César García Magán.

They also offer to “walk together, each one according to the obligations and commitments” they have “as servants of the Spanish people”, towards “obtaining the common good of society”, something that, according to the bishops, they have “always done.” “.

Likewise, they assure him of their prayers “to enlighten him in this service”, they reiterate their “best wishes” and send him “a respectful and cordial greeting, also extended to his wife and daughters.”