PP and Compromís have supported in the plenary session that the Alicante Provincial Council has convened this morning with that only point on the agenda their express statement rejecting the hostile takeover bid (OPA) formulated by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria ( BBVA) over 100% of the shares of Banco de Sabadell.

Only the only Vox representative in the Provincial Council has chosen to abstain, despite also speaking out against the takeover bid, arguing her disagreement with the proposing party.

Despite the almost absolute consensus, the popular have accused the PSPV of “opportunism”, whose spokesperson, Vicente Arques, has defended the proposal with the argument that the Provincial Council “has been the only entity that has not spoken out”, despite the repeated messages against the operation formulated from the first moment by the leader of his party and president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón.

The PP spokesperson, Ana Serna, has reproached the PSPV for not having offered the possibility of presenting a consensual text, has accused the socialists of seeking prominence and, ironically, has concluded:  “it seems that the motion was written by Mazón” .