The National Police have arrested an 86-year-old man in the Malaga town of Marbella for stabbing his partner, a 79-year-old woman, several times, in what could be a new case of gender violence.

The victim, who was helped by Health Emergencies 061 after receiving a warning call from one of her neighbors this Thursday, is admitted to the Costa el Sol Hospital in serious condition. According to sources close to the investigation opened to clarify the facts, the victim was not included in the Comprehensive Monitoring System for Gender Violence Cases (VioGén).

In Andalusia, 16 of the 44 women who have died at the hands of their partners or ex-partners have been murdered in sexist crimes so far this year. The regional government, faced with the worst data in the last decade, has chosen to approve in Parliament a non-legal proposal through which it wants to carry out a series of legal modifications that respond to the needs of the victims of this scourge. Thus, it is going to create a working group to “find the root of the problem and together eradicate it,” said Maribel Lozano, deputy spokesperson for the Popular Group, yesterday.

It was a neighbor of the couple who raised the alarm when she realized that the woman was bleeding from her arm. At first, he thought he might have suffered a domestic accident, although when the health services arrived at the scene, in the Altos de Salamanca urbanization in Marbella, they realized that the situation was more serious than they initially expected. , confirming that it was a new sexist aggression.

The victim had several stab wounds, up to a dozen, so she was stabilized and transferred to the reference hospital center.

It was the National Police who arrested the alleged aggressor, who was in the family home and who, according to them, could suffer from senile dementia.

It was this Thursday when the Government of Andalusia approved in Parliament, at the request of the PP, a non-legal proposal to work on the prevention and fight against gender violence. The proposal includes the need to make some legal modifications that adjust to the real needs of the victims of this scourge. The Vox deputies have positioned themselves against this initiative, while the PSOE-A has abstained on some of its points.

“We are failing,” declared the deputy spokesperson for the Popular Group, Maribel Lozano, who has asked that “this disgrace,” such as sexist crimes, stop being used “as a throwing weapon” between parties. “No one disputes that the main cause is machismo,” he warned, since he has pointed out that it is necessary to unite and agree with everyone to “exploit other avenues, be ambitious to find the root of the problem and, together, eradicate it.” “.

The popular proposal involves demanding that the Government of the nation, within the framework of the Pact Against Gender Violence, promote a Public Security Strategy for the best and greatest prevention, detection and eradication of all crimes related to gender violence. gender as well as the review of the criteria assigned to the communities within it. At the moment, in Andalusia, a working group is beginning to be formed that can address this problem “from a different perspective than that carried out until now.”