After the disappointment over the results of the general elections on July 23, which prevented the PP from governing due to its parliamentary isolation despite the victory –only with Vox they did not add up–, the popular ones hope to retain the absolute majority in the regional elections that must be held. at the latest in July in Galicia, where Santiago Abascal’s party does not have parliamentary representation. But to achieve this, the popular people are aware that optimizing the conservative vote is essential. Hence, the Deputy Secretary of Organization of the PP, Miguel Tellado, suggested yesterday that Vox should not attend those elections.

“Today all the polls give the PP the absolute majority and give Vox zero chance of obtaining a seat in any of the provinces,” said Tellado in an interview on esRadio, in which he warned that “if there are center-right voters who take the Vox ballot, this ballot is not going to be translated into seats and, however, it is a vote that will be denied to the PP to consolidate the last seat in each of the provinces, which would consolidate the absolute majority.”

Asked specifically if Vox should be given “an honorable exit” – the presenter considered options such as offering positions to Vox members on the lists – the popular leader admitted that “you can talk about anything.” “Vox should understand that the common objective is to stand up to the PSOE and Pedro Sánchez, thinking not about the partisan interest but about the general interest,” insisted Tellado, for whom in Galicia, where “we are risking a majority that is not easy,” there is that “we must work fine to maintain that majority”, always under the premise that Vox “has no possibilities”.

“The vote that does not translate into seats is a sterile vote and each center-right vote that does not translate into seats is a vote that the Socialist Party is interested in,” insisted the deputy secretary of popular organization, who also accused Abascal’s party of having contributed “by mistake, in an innocent and uncalculated manner” to the game that, in his opinion, Pedro Sánchez has played to turn Vox into “the electoral spring that he has used to agitate his own electorate and reduce the PP’s possibilities.”

In this sense, Tellado warned that Vox “is wrong” if it dedicates “part of its time to criticizing the PP.” “Let’s not act stupid, which is what the PSOE and Pedro Sánchez want” when “we are in a very serious situation,” he demanded after ensuring that the President of the Government is “the person who has decided to put the foundations of our democracy for sale.” ”.