The spokesperson for the PP in the Congress of Deputies, Miguel Tellado, joked this Saturday about the meeting that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, could have with the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, by assuring that Sánchez intends with that meeting ” a photo with Feijóo for his Instagram.”

He made this statement in an interview on Canal 24 Horas in which he assured that the objective of having the photo is to “distract” from “what are the real agreements that have led him to be president of the Government.”

“It seems that Pedro Sánchez wants a photo with Feijóo for his Instagram,” Tellado said. “He requested the meeting as a smokescreen, as a distraction maneuver so that this week we would not talk about the amnesty law and the investigative commissions that were approved in the Congress of Deputies,” he stressed.

Without saying whether the meeting will finally take place, he pointed out that, in his opinion, it is “a distraction maneuver by Sánchez” with which he intends to “address the renewal of the CGPJ.” In that sense, he indicated that Sánchez “does not want to renew the Council, he wants to control it” and warned him that “if he approves a law to depoliticize it as Europe requests, he will find the PP to negotiate.”

Tellado did not rule out an investigative commission in the Senate in the face of an “unprecedented democratic anomaly” in which Sánchez “puts in an international mediator who appears to be an expert in terrorist guerrillas.” “We ask the Government to give explanations and if not, we will process an investigation commission where the Government, mediators and independence supporters will have to give explanations,” warned the PP spokesperson in Congress. “All those who are participating in the hidden negotiations,” he specified.

He defended that, faced with an amnesty law, “today the PP is the reference for constitutionalism.” “We have been left alone in that reference,” he said, and insisted that “the constitutionalist tradition” of the PSOE has been lost, so “we are hearing historical socialist leaders recriminate the line of the Socialist Party.”

“The Sánchez Government is an electoral fraud,” he maintained, “prisoner of the independentists.” He also criticized the role of the president of Congress, Francina Armengol, calling her a “bought referee at the service of the PSOE.” “He does not act as a neutral arbiter in the debates,” he lamented, “he is judge and party and has to know that when he speaks at an institutional event, it is not the name of his party that speaks, it is the name of his party.” an institution”.

Asked about the PSN and Bildu pact so that the mayor of Pamplona falls to the latter, he assured that he had “no doubt” that “in the constitutions of the city councils the Socialist Party let the most voted list, UPN, govern, so as not to suffer the electoral wear and tear of doing the opposite”, despite the fact that “it was agreed upon from that moment” with Bildu.

Tellado reproached that “the first payment is the delivery of the mayor’s office of Pamplona to Bildu”, although Sánchez “said a few weeks ago that this would never happen and that of course they would not support and sign agreements with Bildu.”