The two demonstrations in the opposite direction in the center of Barcelona, ​​just 24 hours after the closing of the campaign for the municipal elections, punctured. Supporters of the squatting and detractors of it, the latter summoned by the controversial company Desokupa, tried unsuccessfully to alter the hours prior to the appointment with the polls on Thursday afternoon in the face of the indifference of the vast majority of Barcelonans. An indifference with an air of rejection of both positions.

No more than 150 people gathered around 8:30 p.m. in Plaça dels Àngels, in front of Macba, in favor of the squatting of La Ruïna and El Kubo, the two farms located in La Bonanova and pending eviction. The concentration had been called by the Ocupado la Ruïna Social Center. The demonstrators, who displayed banners with the slogans “Raval Antifascista” and “No pasarán. Barcelona will be the tomb of fascism”, they tried to move towards Plaza Universitat, the place where those summoned by Desokupa gathered, but the riot police of the Mossos d’Esquadra blocked their way when they were at the end of Joaquín Costa street, next to to the Goya theater.

The Plaza Universitat was the meeting point, at practically the same time, for some 800 people who attended Desokupa’s call. Before the rally, T-shirts with the motto “Desokupa always strong” were distributed.

The company specialized in extrajudicial evictions with unorthodox means and at the limit of legality, which these days has taken advantage of the tension experienced in Bonanova to carry out a strong propaganda campaign, summoned its followers with the sole motto of being against the mayoress Ada Colau, the target of their sexist criticism and insults, which they accuse of promoting squatting.

The protesters against Colau walked along the Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes in the direction of Plaza Espanya, always watched by a strong deployment of the Catalan police, whose main objective was to prevent the two marches in the opposite direction from meeting. Same police strategy that they used successfully on the 11th in Bonanova