On the eve of August and on a Sunday, July 23, on the beach, paella with sangria and drowsiness, the Spanish are summoned to the polls. And they will be able to go vote…
They say that there is a conservative blue wave and people have taken to voting for the PP and Vox. The Spaniards must be very pissed off for such a turnaround, which this Sunday had a lot of “enough already!”.
The angry Spaniard is a natural state in his passage through life. Of a sluggish nature, an innate critic of power and a friend of happily getting by, the Spaniard, when he gets mad, really gets mad.
President Pedro Sánchez has been forced to govern with what the voters have provided him: a radical left that lives in their world and two separate independence movements whose legitimate objective is to get out of Spain, a rupture that they are now pursuing from within the system, something that Naturally, it makes life very difficult for the President of the Government. I say that the independentistas understand this adverse reaction, perhaps longed for to justify –along with the suburban trains, the Virgen del RocÃo and the league calendar in Sant Jordi– this desire to destroy Spain.
The Government of Pedro Sánchez has been able to do the bullshit and certain occurrences of its partners – see Bildu, including murderers on the electoral lists. Drop by drop, the strange thing would have been that people accepted so many geniuses and that insufferable teaching of United We Can, masters in lessons of moral, artistic and gender superiority. They have sunk, but do not suffer, they have analysis: people are slutty and reluctant to progress…
Always on the side of what is politically correct, this Government of Spain is being loaded by its own by creating problems where there were none, tweet and living room controversies that have eclipsed the successes of Sánchez (see Catalonia). One day they will regret having supported the boss in such a way, who has been put in the eye so many times.
And this voting at the gates of August, in the middle of a pre-vacation atmosphere… Something tells me that it will annoy those who already came served even more.