“What we do, instead of causing problems, with resounding failures such as the Popular Party’s housing policy, what we do is build solutions”, Pedro Sánchez assured at the closing of the municipal conference that the PSOE held this weekend in Valencia as the starting signal for the race for the municipal and regional elections on May 28.

Following the parliamentary agreement reached last Friday to unblock the first democratic state housing law, the Prime Minister thus announced this Sunday that “we are going to go further”. “Next Tuesday, in the Council of Ministers we are going to approve the mobilization of 50,000 Sareb homes for rent at an affordable price, for young people and for families in our country”, Sánchez has advanced.

Government sources have detailed that the plan to be approved next Tuesday by the Council of Ministers to mobilize up to 50,000 homes from Sareb – the asset management company from the bank restructuring created ten years ago – for affordable rentals, will be broken down into the following way:

-The Government will make 21,000 homes available to municipalities and autonomous communities.

-It will also boost social rental with the 14,000 already inhabited homes in that park.

-The Executive will also promote the construction of up to 15,000 public homes on land available from Sareb.