* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos we can see how the smoke from a company follows the course of the Ges River in Torelló, in the Osona region.

Due to this phenomenon of thermal inversion we can observe that the smoke cannot rise higher than the fog and there comes a point when the column of smoke is deflected downwards.

The smoke is trapped and cannot rise. The thermal inversion and the anticyclone worsen air quality, with haze mixing with smoke and pollution.

The Ges river is a tributary of the Ter, which flows into its main river in the municipality of Torelló, slightly south of Sant Pere de Torelló.

However, despite being a tributary of a larger river, El Ges also has its own rivers that flow into it, especially the Fornès, which flows into Sant Pere de Torelló itself.