The young people at home are delighted to be dosed by the series. “It’s great. One chapter every week. So you are with a couple of these series and you know that on Monday and Tuesday, for example, you will have a new episode. I grumble like an old Jurassic woman at the new fashion that platforms have introduced: “Wow, they invented TV!”.
For me, the fun was to enter the platform, choose a series – surely you already had it signed up by a critic of Pere Solà Gimferrer or Cesc Puig, or by the recommendation of a friend – and you would find it there waiting for you. And depending on your avidity, the time available and whether you were hooked a lot or a little, it would last a weekend or fifteen days. I wasn’t sold on the idea of ??having to wait a week to sink my teeth into the next episode. It seemed like something from the past, from when we saw Magnum or Porca misèria.
I saw on Twitter that a lot of people were talking – and they were talking well – about a new series: The last of us. That same night I started it and when the first chapter was finished I was left with a span of noses. The next one was announced for the following week.
Due to having followed the enthusiasm of the network and not having informed me at all, I fell into the trap. Without wanting to, I went on to follow the prevailing fashion and on top of that I liked it. It meant a return to the past, but with all its consequences. The wait would be long, but every Monday a new episode would be posted and the next day, friends, acquaintances and Twitter users would comment on the adventures of Joel and Ellie in an apocalyptic Boston.
Many of the viewers were not the usual audience for disaster and pandemic movies –I confess that when these kinds of zombies bite, I cover my eyes and do not look– and we had not played the video game where the script comes from – nor have we read the novels on which countless movies are based. The experience was glorious with the third chapter: everyone celebrated it. Like when there were only two TV channels, that time when we all saw the same thing, the next day it was discussed and there was no need to fear for spoilers. You know, everything comes back.