Mossos d’Esquadra of the Badalona Investigation Unit (Barcelonès Nord) arrested six people on March 1 for drug trafficking, specifically marijuana and hashish, as part of an entry and search device in a same block of flats in the Sant Roc neighborhood.

The agents began the investigation as a result of various reports indicating that there were indoor marijuana plantations in the block of flats. After efforts to monitor and control those investigated, it was possible to determine the addresses that were used for this purpose.

With the information collected, the investigators requested the entry and investigation in the Investigating Court number 5 of Badalona, ??which authorized the procedure in the first place for 4 addresses, although procedures carried out on the same day were able to locate a fifth house to which it could also be related. activity.

The final balance of the device in which forty Mossos d’Esquadra agents participated is six detainees who are related to crimes against public health against drug trafficking, after the discovery of 327 marijuana plants, 143 individual doses of hashish, 53 individual doses of marijuana and an exact quantity of 1557 g of buds of this last substance. In addition, the detainees are related to crimes of electricity fraud, another crime that allows them to obtain more profits and is used by criminal organizations and which were also found in the framework of these judicial entries.

The detainees were handed over to the Badalona Guard Acting Investigating Court on March 3, who ordered freedom with charges.