Sex Trafficking Lawsuit Against McMahon on Hold Due to Criminal Investigation by Justice Department

In a shocking turn of events, the sex trafficking lawsuit filed by former WWE employee Janel Grant against Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and WWE has been put on hold. The reason behind this delay is a federal criminal investigation initiated by the Justice Department.

Back in January, Grant made headlines when she filed the lawsuit alleging sex trafficking against the wrestling moguls. The defendants responded by requesting private arbitration instead of a public trial. However, today, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York intervened in the case, putting it on hold pending the outcome of the criminal investigation.

This development comes on the heels of a federal investigation into the McMahon hush money scandal that came to light last summer. New details about this ongoing probe emerged in February, adding another layer of complexity to the legal battle.

Grant’s attorney, Ann Callis, released a statement confirming her client’s cooperation with the U.S. Attorney’s request to stay the case. The decision was made in light of the pending non-public investigation, and all parties involved have agreed to take the necessary steps in this regard.

In response to these developments, Vince McMahon’s attorney, Jessica Rosenberg, expressed confidence in their defense. She stated that they believe the evidence will ultimately prove Grant’s allegations to be false and dismissed them as a malicious attempt by a disgruntled former girlfriend.

As the legal saga continues to unfold, the wrestling world is left waiting for the next chapter in this high-profile case. Stay tuned for more updates on this evolving story.