Moments of high tension experienced this afternoon at the Germans Trias i Pujol hospital, in Badalona, ??when several people got into a fight inside the facilities. At the moment there are three people detained for their involvement in the mass fight, and two firearms have been seized, according to police sources consulted by La Vanguardia.

The events occurred around 9:00 p.m. this Wednesday, when an argument took place between two groups on the fifth floor and which continued until the sixth floor of the health center, according to hospital sources, and which ended in a big fight with screams. , pushing and hitting each other. The quick action of security personnel has prevented the tumult from getting out of control. Despite the seriousness of the situation, no injuries have been reported.

Police sources denied to this media that shots had been fired inside the hospital, since at first, some information claimed an alleged shooting.

The situation would be under control, according to the same sources. The Mossos d’Esquadra maintain several units in the Germans Trias, and citizen security agents from the Basic Police Area, the ARRO and also the Santa Coloma Local Police have traveled to the hospital.