The end of summer contracts has caused September to close with 19,768 more unemployed, bringing the total number of unemployed to 2,722,000. It is the lowest figure in this month since 2018. September is always a bad month in terms of registered unemployment and although the Ministry of Labor points out that the increase is “more moderate than usual in this month”, it does not leave to be higher than that of the last four years. Regarding job creation, 18,295 new members have been registered, which is few in a month in which membership traditionally increases.

September is when the summer holidays have ended and the contracts signed to cover this period expire, so the number of job seekers who register increases, and causes an increase in registered unemployment. This is also what happened this September, with an increase of 19,768 unemployed, which is higher than in the last four years. On the other hand, in the years prior to 2018, unemployment increases were generally higher in the month of September.

When examining unemployment by sector, the incidence of services is clearly seen, which is the only sector where it increases, with 18,820 more unemployed, which shows the impact of the end of the tourist season, while on the other hand, it decreases in construction, agriculture and very slightly in industry.

Unemployment among young people under 25 years of age increased in September by 17,000 people compared to the previous month, bringing the total to 205,000 unemployed, the lowest figure for this month in the last 15 years. By autonomous community, unemployment is increasing especially in Andalusia, which, in absolute terms, accounts for eight out of every ten new unemployed. Madrid and Galicia follow. On the other hand, there are six communities where unemployment has decreased, with Catalonia leading the way with 3,440 fewer unemployed people.

Regarding job creation, 18,295 new affiliates were registered in September, the lowest increase in the last six years, with the exception of 2019. With this increase, the total number of affiliates stands at 20,724,000, the average highest in a month of September, and with ten days exceeding 20.8 million members, from September 20 to 29.

Regarding the seasonally adjusted figures, that is, eliminating the calendar effect and seasonality, which are preferred by the Ministry of Inclusion and Social Security, the increase is 12,921 affiliates, a figure also lower than that of recent years.

When examining average affiliation by sector, two elements stand out. On the one hand, the drop of 32,000 jobs in hospitality, a sign of the end of summer contracts in tourism; and in the opposite direction, the 85,000 new jobs in education. The teachers fired at the beginning of the summer vacation who have been hired again.

With these unemployment and affiliation data, the slowdown in the pace of job creation in the Spanish economy is confirmed. The year started with a record spring and a subsequent cooling in the summer, although despite this in July there were almost 20.9 million members. Then came the usual bad month of August, and now a September with an increase of 18,000 members.