* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

The full moon sets among pigeons in the middle of the two bell towers of the Lluçanès Cathedral, in Olost (Lluçanès). As we see in the accelerated video in La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos, he does it with very good aim, since he stops right between the two bell towers.

The parish church of Santa María de Olost or Lluçanès cathedral, as Bishop Torras i Bages said, is very attractive with the two identical bell towers, as can be seen.

The full moon is brighter (and looks bigger) because, in reality, it is a supermoon, since in this month of September it coincides with its perigee, that is, the moment in which the orbit of our natural satellite brings it closer. to the earth.

This September full moon is known as the harvest or cereal moon, due to the agricultural calendar. As usually happens in these cases, it also receives other names.

One is the autumn moon, since it is the first of this season of the year; another is the moon of brown leaves, the autumn color par excellence in the landscape; another is the baby moon, since many animals are weaned in September; and it is also known in some places as the mating moon, since it coincides with the mating season of deer, reindeer and other animals.