The beginning of the school year continues to be mixed up in the Valencian Community due to two issues: the first, the errors in the allocation of teaching staff; the second, due to the lack of school transportation in some educational centers that affected more than a thousand students in the province of Valencia on Monday.

Yesterday, Tuesday, the continuous awards were expected, but the Department of Education warned that incidents had been detected in the computer program and that, therefore, the award scheduled for yesterday was postponed so as “not to harm the rights of the petitioners.” The effect of this postponement is seen today in the centers that are working to reorganize the staff to care for minors in this first week of the academic year. There were more than 2,000 places including vacancies and substitutions that were not offered on September 7.

The situation is beginning to worry the direct teams. Carlos Justo, president of the Association of directors of preschool and primary school centers in the public school of the province of Valencia, assures La Vanguardia that “we are happy because we know that those places that we were missing on Monday appeared on a list and will be be awarded, but nervous because the days go by and there continues to be a computer problem again.

There are centers in which three Primary teachers are missing, others in which up to six teachers are missing and it is the Hearing and Language specialists who are covering, for the moment, these tutorials. For this reason, Justo regrets that “the same problem for so long is a bit unjustifiable.”

For this reason, interim teachers gathered this Wednesday morning and will repeat this afternoon to express their “indignation” at the errors in teaching awards and demand that the Department of Education solve “once and for all the computer problems so that “the centers have a full staff and can start the course normally.”

From the Sindicat de Treballadors i Treballadores de l’Ensenyament del PaĆ­s ValenciĆ  (STEPV) they urge the new team of the Campanar department to “stop blaming others for the problems in the awards and to solve the computer problems once and for all” . “The fact that the teacher dismissals were not awarded last week and that the publication of the awards was postponed yesterday is seriously complicating the attention of the students,” warns STEPV, which points out that it is working with the rest of the unions on the Board. Sectoral in the call for new actions.

For their part, the CCOO Education Federation (FE CCOO PV) has regretted that “the most chaotic awards in memory leave the centers without hundreds of teachers.” “Faced with a government incapable of managing with guarantees such a fundamental right as education, the union can only continue fighting and demanding solutions to the problems generated,” they reproach.