The Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Óscar Puente, assured this Friday that the agreement with the Renfe and Adif unions regarding the transfer of the management of Rodalies to the Generalitat of Catalonia has the approval of President Pere Aragonès.

This is what Puente said in an interview on RAC1, where he stated that he called the president of the Generalitat to “explain the situation and received his approval for the agreement.” Furthermore, he remembers that “nothing has been agreed that does not correspond to the country’s labor legislation.”

“We have not done anything other than put on paper what proceeds in accordance with the law,” continued the new head of Transport, who states that what he has done by negotiating directly with the unions is “generate trust”, something that happens “when you talk to people’s faces.” Furthermore, he highlighted that “I am a defender of the public” and gave as examples the remunicipalization of water, parking or funeral services in Valladolid.

For this reason, he ruled that “public workers have nothing to fear” and explained that Renfe and Adif employees have their rights guaranteed when the new company that will manage the Rodalies in Catalonia is created and that they will be able to choose. Finally, he pointed out that the agreement also contemplates that “the unions will be at the professional table” in which all issues related to this transfer are discussed.

On the other hand, the Minister of the Presidency, Laura Vilagrà, has sent a message of tranquility to the unions and workers of Renfe and Adif by ensuring that the transfer of Rodalies to the Generalitat will guarantee the maintenance of the conditions and seniority of the employees.

In statements to TVE, the councilor has admitted that “before we see a Rodalies train from the Generalitat it will be a while, a certain amount of time.” “We must first establish the mixed public company, governed by the Generalitat. Everything is organized, no one should suffer or get nervous. We will make a good transfer and a good solidity of that company that Rodalies de Catalunya must manage,” Vilagrà insisted.

The Minister of the Presidency has reported that the Minister of Territory, Ester Capella, is holding meetings with the unions to convey “calm” and “tranquility.” “Working conditions and seniorities will be maintained everywhere, so that the labor side remains calm in relation to this transfer. We have always been careful, so that there is security,” she reiterated.