* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In these images in La Vanguardia Readers’ Photos we can see how the swallows come to look for mud to make their nests, in Vilanova de Sau.

An ideal place to find mud, perfect material for their nests, is the Sau reservoir, where, in addition, the drought has left many pockets of mud.

To complete the nest, swallows can spend more than a thousand trips in search of their materials. The curious thing is that, traditionally, having a swallow nest is considered to bring good luck and happiness to the home where they have settled.

One of the origins of this belief is found in seafaring. When sailors sighted this bird at sea, it meant that they were close to the coast and, therefore, that they would return home safely.

The swallow is a bird that is an indicator of spring. And it usually begins to be seen between April and May, when temperatures begin to increase and it begins to flower.