The Plaza de la Font in Tarragona has once again experienced a day of castles with extra ranges coinciding with the first Sunday of the Santa Tecla festival.

In the second round, the Castellers de Vilafranca have loaded 3 of 10 with lining and handcuffs for the second time this season, while the Colla Vella Xiquets de Valls have completed a clean 4 of 9 that has unleashed the euphoria of those in the pink shirt .

For its part, the Colla Jove de Tarragona has given its best performance since the resumption, scoring 3 out of 9 with folre, 2 out of 9 with folre i manilles and 4 out of 9 with folre i manilles. The Xiquets of Tarragona have unloaded the 3 and 4 of 9 with folre but have resisted them on the 4 of 9 and the 7 of 8, after the scoundrel retreated before charging them.