The President of the Government received 87,814.80 gross euros in 2022, being the worst paid among all the senior managers of the Palacio de la Moncloa. Something similar happens with the ministers, who are the ones that received the least remuneration in their respective departments during the past year. Transparency has just published the list of payrolls of the high executive positions and the contrasts are evident. The best paid is the president of Sepi, Belén Gualda, who received a total of 237,986.22 euros last year.
Secretaries of State, undersecretaries, general secretaries, general directors or heads of public bodies. They all charge more than Pedro Sánchez and his ministers, according to official data. The directors of the mutuals, too. For example, the manager of Fremap received a remuneration of 231,138.45 euros last year, three times more than the chief executive. Those of Ibermutua and Asepeyó were close to 230,000 euros.
The highest official salaries are concentrated in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Finance and Transport. In the department of José Manuel Albares, the ambassadors, due to their status as civil servants, are the ones who accumulate the most remuneration thanks to their triennia (although the Government has not yet provided the data for the past year).
In María Jesús Montero’s, the presidents of public companies are the best paid. The general director of Enaire, Ángel Luis Arias, received 186,933.80 euros last year thanks to his accumulated ten three-year period. The former presidents of Renfe, Isaías Táboas, and of Adif, Isabel Pardo de Vera, who left office last month after the fiasco of poorly designed trains for Cantabria and Asturias, received 179,000 euros respectively.
Also among the best paid, well above the first lines of the Executive, is the special State delegate in the Barcelona Free Zone, Pere Navarro, who received 173,110 euros last year, while the president of the CNMV, Rodrigo Buenaventura, and the vice president, Montserrat Martínez, received 169,000 euros.
The ministers are far from these salaries and, in fact, are the worst paid among the charges in their departments. For example, the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, received 84,638.48 euros last year despite accumulating thirteen three-year terms in public service. Or Albares himself, who earned 81,960.00 euros with seven three-year public career.
The first vice president Nadia Calviño, had a salary of 88,299.75 euros; the second, Yolanda Díaz, of 82,537.32 euros; and the third, Teresa Ribera, of 86,020.68 euros.
There is some striking case, such as that of the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, who received 77,478.24 euros, while his successor in the General Secretariat of the Presidency, Fran Martín, received 114,263.24 euros. He rose to minister with the lowest pay.
All these salaries will be increased by 4%, as reflected in the current General Budgets.