During the month of April, the reserves of the reservoirs have risen by 10%, and the Generalitat calculates that even if it does not rain, the exceptional phase can be maintained until the end of 2024. Despite everything, Barcelona is still in a drought situation and It is recommended to maintain savings measures among citizens.

Additionally, the change in phase implies some changes in the measures in force in the city:

How do municipal services apply the measures?

The city’s parks and gardens (lawn areas, meadows and seasonal plants) continue without being irrigated, but survival irrigation is resumed at night with drinking water from trees and shrub plants. In addition, the irrigation device with groundwater is maintained in the morning shift, which allows the irrigation capacity to be expanded throughout the city. With this device in place, there is a saving of around 50% of the drinking water used for irrigation throughout the city.

As for the municipal swimming pools, they are all kept open, as they have water recirculation systems. In addition, they will be included as climate shelters this summer, applying the public prices corresponding to each installation. Likewise, the water saving plans of municipal sports centers are maintained.

As regards urban cleaning, in the exceptional phase street cleaning will be maintained with 100% of the service using groundwater.

Beyond the restrictions, which can be consulted in detail on the website barcelona.cat/sequia, we must be aware of the need to reduce water consumption and not waste it in daily actions. This page contains tips to save water and reduce consumption in homes by up to 30%.