The rapper Valtònic, who today was summoned to the Seville Court to be tried for inciting his audience to “kill a civil guard” during one of his concerts held in 2018 in the Sevillian municipality of Marinaleda, agreed with the prosecution to suspend him. of the sentence of two years in prison, although he must pay the costs.

The singer, who appeared shortly before 10:00 a.m. at the Seville courts with his lawyer, has accepted the facts and has asked for forgiveness. He thus avoids going to jail by acknowledging that his comments were “in bad taste” and “unpleasant” and admitting that they would have “annoyed”, which is why he has publicly asked for “forgiveness” for such statements.

The Prosecutor’s Office and the Unified Association of the Civil Guard, which acted as a private prosecutor, requested a priori for the singer up to four years in prison and the payment of 3,600 euros for the possible commission of a crime of provocation to commit an attack and, alternatively, a possible crime of aggravated threats due to the nature of his mentions to the Civil Guard. Finally, they have modified their accusation documents, reducing his requests to two years in prison and payment of costs, for a crime of serious threats with the aggravating circumstance of recidivism and the mitigating circumstance of repentance. “He is no longer the same person,” said his defense lawyer to obtain this reduction.

“Kill a fucking civil guard tonight. Go to another town where there are civil guards and kill one, I’ll shit you,” he reportedly said in one of his gigs in 2018, “put a fucking bomb on the prosecutor once and for all” , “that the National Court dissolve and hand over its weapons”, just as this body came to be described as a “fascist court”.

His words spread like wildfire through the networks, to such an extent that the Civil Guard Association decided to file a complaint against him for an alleged hate crime. “That day at the concert, Valtònyc urged his audience to attack civil guards and his words cannot be understood as part of freedom of expression, since it is not the lyrics of one of his songs, but an intention directed at a large group of people, with the consequent risk that this public would carry them out,” the association explained.

The events motivated a series of actions in the Court of Estepa that, finally, determined that the Court of Seville was the competent body to handle the case. Now, five years later, the rapper reaches an agreement in Seville with the prosecution that prevents him from going to prison.

Valtònyc, who had remained a fugitive from justice since he was sentenced to three and a half years in prison for glorifying terrorism and insulting the Crown, returned to Spain at the end of October once these crimes had been convicted. Shortly after, he had to face this new case, events that kept him on the verge of being imprisoned, from which he finally escaped again.