The former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont said this Friday that the pacts after the constitution of the Congress Table have shown that “the narrative built on Junts was not correct.”

“They have not had any interest in knowing what he was or what he thought and have been content with the caricature duly fed by his wide circles of media influence,” he added in a tweet.

He has considered that, erroneously, there are those who believe “that Junts has returned to the fold, that Junts has understood what this politics is about and now it is different.”

Puigdemont has ensured that “arrogance” prevents those who think like this from discovering the reality of the party and realizing –literally– that they have lived in error all these years.

He explained that he has reached this conclusion by reading some reactions and analysis after the agreements with the Table and has assessed that there are people “who report beyond their possibilities”.