Princess Leonor will take the oath to the Constitution on October 31 before the Cortes Generales, meeting in a solemn session in the Congress of Deputies, as confirmed by Zarzuela sources. The setting of the date occurs after a meeting at the initiative of the president of Congress, Francina Armengol, with the presence of the president of the Senate, Pedro Rollán, the acting minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, and the head of the House del Rey, Jaime Alfonsín.

The solemn ceremony will be held on the day the princess acquires the majority, as her father, King Felipe VI, did on January 30, 1986. In this way, the heir to the throne will comply with article 61 of the Magna Carta, which points out that “the Crown Prince, upon reaching the age of majority, and the regent or regents upon taking charge of their functions, will take the oath before the Cortes Generales to uphold and ensure that the Constitution and the laws are upheld and to respect the rights of citizens.” and of the autonomous communities, as well as that of fidelity to the King.”

After the event in Congress, it is planned that Princess Leonor will receive the Collar of the Order of Charles III in the Royal Palace and in the presence of the powers of the State, and that a lunch will then be held with a representation of the highest state authorities.

After the institutional events in Congress and the Royal Palace, a private family celebration will also take place at the El Pardo Palace, which will be attended by the Royal Family, the King’s family and the Queen’s family. . Among them, therefore, will also be King Juan Carlos, who will not attend the rest of the events.

The dinner that the royal family will celebrate on October 31 on the occasion of Princess Leonor’s swearing-in will be the first time that King Felipe will be seen in Madrid with his father and sisters after the meeting they had in La Zarzuela on the 20th. May 2022 on the occasion of the emeritus’ first trip to Spain since his self-exile in Abu Dhabi two years earlier. The King and King Juan Carlos met again in London on September 19, 2022 on the occasion of the funeral for Elizabeth II and, together with the rest of the family, in Athens, on January 16 at the funeral of Constantine Greece.

Next Monday, King Juan Carlos will return to Spain to participate in some regattas that will be held in Sanxenxo and on Thursday father and son will meet less than 15 kilometers away, since the King plans to attend the inauguration of the Atlantic Forum that is being held. on the island of La Toja. A private meeting is not planned, but is not ruled out either.

The unknown that remains to be resolved is whether there will be a new President of the Government when the solemn session takes place on October 31. The investiture debate of the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is set for the 26th and 27th of this month. In case of failure, as the necessary votes are not guaranteed, the King would call the parties again to designate a new candidate, who would predictably be Pedro Sánchez.

Likewise, the heir to the throne, who is currently receiving military training at the General Academy of Zaragoza, will swear the flag on October 7, after having received the cadet saber that represents honor, courage and loyalty.

Before the meeting at Congress, the princess will also participate in the central event of the National Holiday, which she has not attended in the last two years because it coincides with her stay at the boarding school in Wales (United Kingdom) where she studied high school. .

On October 20, he will preside over a new edition of the Princess of Asturias Awards ceremony in Oviedo and the next day he will visit the exemplary Asturian town.