The PNV candidate for lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, does not see “a political motive” in the attack he suffered with pepper spray yesterday afternoon when he was leaving a PNV campaign event to go to the ETB headquarters in Bilbao, where he was supposed to participate in a debate with the rest of the candidates to preside over the Basque Country. The perpetrator of the attack was arrested shortly afterwards and the debate could finally be held.

After finishing his formation’s rally in Barakaldo, the PNV candidate was attacked by a man, who “battered” at him and “sprayed him with pepper or self-defense spray in the left eye.” This is what Pradales said this morning in an interview on TVE’s La Hora.

With his left eye visibly affected, the candidate has stated that the attack left him “blind” for a while and has assured that he received “shock treatment” in the hospital.

Pradales has assured that he “does not believe there was a political motive” in the attack, and has confirmed that the attacker is detained after the candidate filed a complaint at the police station.

Furthermore, Pradales hoped that “everything would be a surprise” and he thanked “the expressions of affection from the rest of the candidates and all the people.”

Regarding the elections that will be held next Sunday, April 21, Pradales has shown himself to be “encouraged to finish the campaign.” “I still think that we will have a good result on Sunday, revalidating the trust of Basque society,” he added.

The PNV candidate has confirmed that this Sunday the Basques “decide who will govern” the Basque Country, and has commented that the growth of votes around EH Bildu has to do with “the void of Podemos and Sumar voters “.

Regarding the possibility of repeating an agreement with the PSE, Pradales has been “open to it”, but has criticized that “the one who has the final decision is Pedro Sánchez, who changes his mind very frequently.”