Pope Francis intends to visit Argentina throughout 2024, as reported by local media this Sunday, noting that the pontiff himself has expressed it. Jorge Bergoglio has not visited his country since 2013, when he was appointed bishop of Rome after the resignation of Benedict XVI.

“I always wanted to return,” Francisco told the Argentine newspaper La Nación. If the visit were to take place, he would travel a year after the general elections next October. “Do not link me to Argentine politics, please,” said the pontiff.

Francis is the first Latin American leader of the Catholic Church. Although he has not yet returned to Argentina, where he served as metropolitan archbishop of Buenos Aires, he has made multiple trips abroad, including Africa. Argentina is going through a crisis aggravated by an annual inflation of 100% and poverty that affects almost 40% of the population.

Before being elected pope, Bergoglio had tendered his resignation as archbishop at the age of 75, to retire to a home for senior priests and focus on prayer and charitable works at home.