Kim Porter, 47, was found dead Thursday, November 15, at his home in the San Fernando Valley, near Los Angeles. According to the website TMZ , the model was in state of “cardiac arrest” when the rescue the have supported. She was suffering from pneumonia for several weeks, but the causes of his death are still uncertain.

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The spokesman of Kim Porter has shared a press release announcing the sad news and asking his fans to “respect the grief of the family”. The deceased is the ex-girlfriend of the rapper P. Diddy, with whom she had three children: Christian, 20 years old, and the twins D Lila Star and Jessie James, 12 years old.

The interpreter Last Night has paid tribute to his ex-girlfriend through a video and a comment shared on social networks. On the extract a minute, saw more than four million times on Twitter, we can see the couple hugging during a photo session. Kim Porter was pregnant with their twins. P. Diddy has added a text expressing his sentence: “During these last three days, I have tried to wake me up from this nightmare. But I can’t. I don’t know what I’ll do without you baby. I miss you so much. Today, I’m going to pay you tribute. I’ll try to find the words to explain our relationship unexplainable.”

The couple remained together for thirteen years, until 2007, before Kim Porter leaves the singer who had cheated on with Sarah Chapmann. Sean Combs, however, has remained very close to his former companion. According to a source close to the star, when asked by People Magazine , P. Diddy is “devastated.” “Kim and him were close friends and were in harmony with their children, even if their romantic relationship didn’t work. They were always a family,” she explains.

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Kim Wear regularly shared photos of their family reunions on Instagram. The latter, dating from November 6, shows P. Diddy surrounded by his children. The dummy had written in the comment template: “Love.”

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A publication that is shared by Kim Porter (@ladykp) on 4 Nov. 2018 at 4 :57 pm PST